Cowards Don’t Wake Up: Awakening
Cowards Don’t Wake Up: Misconceptions of Spiritual Awakening
From online & in-Person Satsang with Rohan in Yallingup, Margaret River, Western Australia
SEEKER: I’m just wondering how I can find a place that’s in my power and still soft without the retreating, without the need to push forward either.
“You stand still in love. But also with boundaries: loving boundaries, loving care.”
People think you wake up or you’re a meditator and suddenly you’re just this soft leaf in the breeze that you can just crush.
No. You have boundaries still. Sometimes you have more boundaries, because you see so much more ignorance and you see so many more agendas of what people are up to. without even them realising it a lot of the time. They just have these patterns and they’re playing them out and they don’t know.
But you start to see them a lot more clearly and easily. So you may have more boundaries because you know that if that happens and that happens and that happens then we’ve got a big problem.
You can see them, and you might have to put boundaries in really early because you know the sequence of what’s going to happen.
So being at peace and still and doing this work doesn’t mean you weaken.
“You become more powerful, in a loving and caring way, and less concerned about what people think of you.”
So you’re able to be more on point with your interactions.
“You can’t wake up and be a coward. You have to face everything in yourself.”
The world doesn’t even approve of what you do in our country; it tries to interfere with it, doesn’t like it; it tries to mess with it.
You have to be able to rebel: a true, honest reality rebellion.
And that starts in your household, in your workplace ‒ and not in an unkind, toxic way, but in a way that makes things work and where everybody can stand in their power. You’re not trying to take anything from anybody.
You’re just representing what a powerful man or woman, whatever you are, is.
So you can stand in the middle of those two actions. You can just stand there in your power with love in your heart. Sometimes it might mean even curtailing an issue if it’s about to cause more problems.
And if it’s an attacker, it’s time to defend yourself. It’s not like “oh, no no, I meditate,” when some crazy bikie’s coming at you or something. You do what you can to control the situation.
Wouldn’t it be lovely if you meditated your way onto a different platform and none of that happened? But you’re still in the world.
What is remarkable, though ‒ I noticed it quite radically, I started to notice that a lot of things that would have happened weren’t happening anymore.
Because my energy body had cleared, when there were dangerous people around there was nothing for it to bounce off, and there was no rumbling back and forth silently with energy bodies meeting energy bodies, Wi-Fi signals meeting Wi-Fi signals. It would pass through and there wouldn’t be these old dynamics playing out. They started disappearing.
But a new dynamic is set up: now you’re a spiritual teacher, so you get all that crap going on. But a lot of those dynamics dropped away, because that within me was dropping away.
“So you can stand there, still and silently, and just let things be as they are without interference and without manipulation.”
If a boundary’s required, a boundary’s required. And with boundaries, as long as you’re on point, the earlier the better, because any attack is much better defended much earlier on – whether it’s physical or mental or energetic ‒ it’s a much smaller movement required, just the slightest tap, instead of you being on the ground rolling around.
SEEKER: Yeah, it definitely seems like it gets to that point with the retreating. I just think I’m seeing the same thing that you’ve seen but from the other side of the more I discover boundaries and being able to step into my power in a loving way, the less those things play out.
Because it just means letting go of or going against all societal programming of what it means to be in your power, which is what it kind of feels like.
It’s just that all of that messaging is so twisted, and the idea of me being in my power feels like all of those twisted thoughts coming back at me from everyone around.
ROHAN: Yes, good. And to be in your power usually means walking away and not even walking near the situation. You can see there’s nothing to be done unless people are open or somebody vulnerable.
I’m not talking about fighting situations. But you get clearer on what people are carrying and how they’re moving and what’s going on for them and whether you want to be engaged with that, because you know that the words are going to come from there or they’re going to come from a superficial place covering that.
It doesn’t mean I avoid people or anything. I’m just saying that if people are really agitated, it’s probably not great to be engaging with them.
Because you’re talking to a frame. You’re not talking to what that person is under that frame. So if there’s going to be any communication, it’s just trying to relax them out of that frame somehow, and then letting that frame know that I’m not to be played with, I’m not to be bullied here. I’m aware of what’s going on, and no. But that can be done very simply.
People that like to bully know who they can bully; they can feel it, what’s in them, without even mental processes going on. It’s an energetic thing. They just know who’s bullyable and who isn’t.
So it’s super important for us to come into our power and remain. It makes life so much easier, because a lot of these interactions start to die off, these experiences start to die off.
It’s quite incredible. You hear it before awakening: the world changes when you change. It is very true. It is very, very, very true.
You hear all these sayings: yeah, whatever, some guy was bored and wrote this stuff down one day, watching the grass grow. But they’re true. So much of it’s true, and it’s really directly experienceable. But you don’t really hear the words until afterwards. You realise yes, that was spot on. They make sense now.
If we carry a fear vibration or a weak vibration, bullies sense it. They can tell. People that are even off can sense it, and what’s in them does a silent measuring of what it can get away with. Now you’ve got an interaction that you probably don’t want.
And life follows these interactions, as in your joy of life and your happiness of life and the quality of it, for you and the others.
So it’s good to have a warrior mindset.
“If everybody had a warrior mindset and knew how to handle themselves, a lot of the problems would dry up.”
A lot of the madness is from people that are just keyboard warriors walking into the world. They were like that before the keyboards came, there were people everywhere. Just with the softness and the weakness of society, and no accountability for bad, weak and toxic actions, they’re not accounted for.
So these folks can gather momentum over time and cause so much harm, whereas if you’re in a warrior sort of Buddhist monastery, you’re going to get clipped! No one does it. Everyone has to come back within themselves and sort themselves out.
There’s so much stuff going on from neurotic people that are in unchecked neuroticism. This is the “woke” problem we’ve got, people are just begging for boundaries and pushing further and further and further from their pain and their wounding inside, and no one’s stopping them.
No one’s saying “hey, you guys have got to pull up a bit here; this is getting really crazy”.
Not so much here in Australia, but it’s happening in America, and it’s coming here. Give it another couple of years. It’ll be on the doorstep and you’ll be wondering what happened. It’s already started.
Like tattoos. I thought that would never happen here, but five years later, when I came home, bang, everyone’s tattooed.
I don’t want to use the word stand your ground ‒ but don’t surrender. You surrender within, but you don’t have to surrender to toxic frames or difficult frames. You can help the other if you stay still and calm.
When you recoil from it or fight it, you’re enabling it. You’re in a war, and war creates more of the same.
Am I making sense?
SEEKER: Yeah, I think that point really, really helps.
ROHAN: If people are left unaccountable, in general over time it’s bad for them too. It’s really bad for them because there’s no one reining them in.
It’s like the kid in a rough area that has no dad. They just go join gangs and go crazy. There’s no one holding them accountable and putting boundaries in, so they have their peers and it’s just chaos, because their peers are lost too. They’re struggling too.
No one wins.
That’s an extreme version. But just pull it back into our daily life as well. It’s just layers and levels of it.
Keywords: Inner Work, Courage, Gentle Warrior, Path of the Warrior, Warrior Mindset, Spiritual Warrior, Waking Up, Awakening, Getting Enlightened, Misconceptions about Spirituality, Reality, Selling Out, Boundaries, Inner Power