What is Spiritual Awakening?
Transcript: Spiritual Awakening / Self-Realisation Satsang Meeting
Yallingup - Margaret River - Western Australia
So, what do I do?
“The work I do is getting people to find out what they are under who they think they are.”
We think we're our profession; a doctor, a carpenter, a lawyer... whatever it is. We can think that we're a mother, we're a father; we're a brother, a sister. We're good at this, we're bad at that; we're tall, short; I'm this, that, the other. I look like this, I'm this age, I'm that age...
What I show is what's under all of those concepts.
“They’re all concepts, temporary concepts, that continually shift and change.”
You're never truly the same being second to second. So, you may be a doctor today and tomorrow you're not, you're no longer a doctor. It moves… you die, you retire.
Before, when you were a little baby, or a little child and you didn't understand English, or whatever your language is before you learned all the language, you were already something. Before your first name penetrated into you and your parents and you're family and friends, said your name enough, these weird sounds that you didn't understand, at some point you realized, "Oh that's for me? Okay, what is it?”
Somehow I'm involved in that sound, that percussion sound, and those vowel sounds." And, slowly but surely, over time you recognised, "Oh, that's my name."
And, it's a great tool, isn't it? I can just give someone a name: Kyle, John, Frank; and you know who I'm talking about. Instead of: the tall being with long blonde hair, the short being with black hair, the person that's 50… it works.
But over time we start getting identified with our name and what that represents. We get told, "Good boy, bad boy. Good girl, bad girl”. Some boundaries are necessary, so people can interact and not just have a constant chaos.
But then we start getting identified with what's good and what's bad, our name and then we want our teachers to like us, our kindergarten teacher likes us, our parents to like us, we want other people to like us.
So, we start falling into the gaps of what works. And then we start setting up baskets of how we need to be and what we are.
“We attach all of these ideas and these concepts to our name.”
And then we call our name what we are, and then our profession what we are, what year we're in at school what we are; and on and on it goes.
But then, at some point, we flip into believing this avatar. Let's call it an 'avatar' (like you have an avatar for the internet, a presentation for the Internet, a handle). Then we start to believe an avatar of the body, of the mind. The body-mind avatar.
But before all that, there was something that didn't know it’s name, didn't know it’s future, didn't care about it’s future, didn't think about it’s past, and lived!
If you look at small children, very small, young children; other than their physical needs and pains, and the bodies that make them cry, or certain fears they may have; they're very happy and joyous and because they can't go make themselves a sandwich they'll cry to get one, or whatever foods coming.
But outside of those things, these functions, there's joy there, and this is the natural state of humans.
“This joy is our natural state.”
We're that way when we're born, natural.
Before we get identified with the labels and projections and future desires and dreams and what other people want us to be, and what we think we're supposed to be. So, this work is simply untangling the mess.
And in that mess there are some incredible handy things, like: mathematics is handy, language is handy, engineering is handy. I'm an engineer by trade, it's handy. It provides me an income that I buy food with, and built a shelter with, it's wonderful. But when I'm gripping, and it's MY stuff that I have to achieve, this is the problem.
It's a lack of understanding of who you are that creates this, and this Avatar tries to force its way through the world, getting what it wants and controlling. And that might even be being super nice to everybody so everybody likes you. That might be giving to charity, so people know how charitable you are. This is not always the case, but quite often we can be doing things to get the avatar into a better position, which is more common than not.
And as you play this game I'm talking about, of higher consciousness, you start to see more and more games you've been playing without realising it.
So many people go "I don't need to do this, I'm fine". Yeah, but that's only because you haven't learned to see, you haven't even realised what's biological programming and cultural programming; it's just taken as reality, as granted. What I'm saying is most of it, almost all of it, is not.
There's a line in the matrix that says (paraphrasing), “Everything you've ever been told is not true”’, and it's not far off.
That line was a bit big for me when I first heard it. But as I got deeper and deeper, I thought, oh, that lines pretty tight.
And that's what they're expressing there aren't they? In the Matrix (movie).
And what the matrix is, is thought, I've covered that in another live stream meditation.
It's the same thing I'm saying: We've got to untangle. Well, you don't have to, you choose to, or not to.
You either see that what I'm saying makes sense and you want to live authentically, or you want to live as an avatar, and that's fine.
Billions of people are going to live as an avatar- that's how it works. Because if you're not an avatar, if nobody's believing this false persona then a lot of the really hard jobs here don't get done. Because there's just certain things you're not going do anymore. So it's actually perfect as it is.
But a certain amount of people that have reached a certain place will go "yeah, that makes sense. I think I would like to know what I am at my authentic self and it's not as simple as going, what was I like as a baby? It's not that simple, but it is also incredibly simple because it's what you've been the whole time and you've never not been it, there's just been the distraction of persona. A tangled web.
And life can still be fun, and great, and have great times, but there's always the crash. It's like the stock market, there's always a crash.
“Your authentic self doesn’t have that crash, and it doesn’t get carried away with the big highs.”
It doesn't get all euphoric and crazy with the highs.
“It just stays on this beautiful tightrope of simplicity, and beauty, and love, and joy.”
Because the background, which is what you are, of everything is completely still, silent; it never moves.
To the mind it may sound extremely boring, why would you want to do that?
That's just a sign of an immature mind, and a mind not understanding, or not able to understand.
Because what it is, is ongoing joy, contentment, happiness and peace.
Even if things are going wrong, the peace doesn't move. You're not attached to it all.
And some people think, well, maybe you can't love from there either, you know, you become a zombie.
No, it's the opposite.
When you are living as a persona and loving from a persona it can quite often be a tainted love. It's a transaction based love, it's the pillow.
”Well, I'm gonna give this, but I want something back. And if I don't get it back I'm not gonna be happy.” That's not love. That's not it, that's a transaction.
What you find when you play this game more, and more, and more, is that you go "oh my, goodness, almost everything I've done is a transaction"; a subtle transaction for the flowering of a persona. Which never ends in happiness, ever. It's not possible.
London's got antidepressant drugs in the groundwater. That much of it's being used from everybody that it's soaked into the groundwater, it's gone through people's systems. And all over the world, there's opiate epidemics, there's prescription drug epidemics, there's alcoholism, you know the game, the list goes on and on, and on and on.
You know why? Because everyone's trying to hold up a persona that just cannot be satisfied, it cannot find peace. This is the way to find a temporary, cheap avoidance and perhaps a peace that's fraudulent.
“So, this is actually the cure for everything.”
That's why the Buddha would say, "To fix the world, you must fix yourself", because the outer world is a reflection of your inner.
This is a big statement that we can go on for a long time with, but that's the truth, to really see that. So in a very, very, quick, small nutshell, that's what we do here. That's what I do. And I'm blessed to have some people that are very interested in finding out what they are, and some are finding that and that's a beautiful thing.
There's nothing else for me to do here except to show people that, as far as I can tell.
And everybody's got their thing. The beautiful thing behind what you are, your expression of that emptiness, that vastness, that Beingness, all has a slightly different thing that's their magic that they share.
It's not a universal zombie-hood. Everyone's going to have a different angle of what their thing is; this is my thing. There's no generic-ness here.
“It’s coming into the fullness of what you are within duality, as the singular, the oneness.”
It's that interaction, perfectly integrated. A lot of people say, that play this game, "I'm nothing, I'm nobody”, and that’s as far as they go. No, that's the beginning, that's emptiness and by residing in emptiness you discover the fullness also, and they integrate. There's one thing.
So, that was a very condensed nutshell. But what we do in our meetings, this is starting to sound like an infomercial, that's not what it's supposed to be, but what we do in our meetings, is we go deeper into what I'm talking about here.
“We are taking the fraudulent identity that causes all our suffering apart, it’s that simple.”
And when you find out what you are, if you go and study the ancient text, there's also an energy field that comes with that that's very powerful.
“And people that come to me that are (often) empaths, or are very sensitive energetically.”
And quite often, people are really struggling in the world because they're sensitive and they don't know it. They don't know why they're struggling so much. It's simply because they're very sensitive. This organism we've been given, this spacesuit is such a good sensory machine. If it's built that way and inner patterns have been taken apart, you become a “feeler”.
So, a lot of people are really struggling in the world because they're feelers. And these are the introverts, the shy people; they're hiding away. And the world's very hard on them... Well, that's what most of the people here are like and that's what I was like.
Well, I'd been hurt a lot and made myself a lot bigger to get over it, to function in the world. I was in a very A-type environment, so I'd created a persona to deal with that. but at some point I realised this wasn't true and a lot of people are struggling and they don't need to be. It's just a lack of understanding of how things work and when they get it, it's like, "Oh".
The people that come here that are that way, they feel me right way, they feel what I'm talking about; this space that's here.
“That space I’m talking about, that silent space, it can be felt and experienced.”
It's been called all sorts of names, but we don't need to go there. But it's the commonality between all people that find this and reside in it. They have the same energy field, and it's universal. It's been this way for thousands of years, it's not a different one. It may vary impotency is all, it's the only difference. Anyway, I'll leave it there.
There's was no meditation tonight, but if you understand deeper you would understand there was also a meditation here. Because meditation means silence, and my mind hasn't thought one thought in this whole conversation, just so you know. That is meditation. So, it's not a matter of closing your eyes and breathing and going through all the techniques.
“It’s silence of the mind.”
And you can live in silence of mind, and just pull the calculator out we call mind that runs madness normally. You just use it and put it back down again, just like you do your phone after a phone call. And It's a beautiful way to live.
And it's my experience, not from a book or from text, it's my direct experience.
And I invite you to come and play if you want to.
It's a lot of fun.