Get Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable
Transcript: Non-duality Self-Realisation Satsang Meeting
Yallingup - Margaret River - Western Australia
When we go to uncomfortable places our system goes into distractions, like, "Hmm.. I'm hungry now. Hmm... what’s so and so doing? I might see if somebody wants to go and have something to eat."
We’ll do whatever it takes not to be in that space, it will just happen.
Through becoming the witness we'll notice those arisings as soon as they arise, we will know what they are and we can drop them. But once they get momentum up and we're at the door and we're dressed, it's very hard.
“Witnessing brings us into this powerful space of catching the pivot points.”
We can catch the seeds of our escapes; the seeds of our hiding; the seeds of our running; or even the saplings.
We can follow it back to the seed, and ask ourselves, "What is this?" "Why am I leaving right now? "Oh, I'm uncomfortable with what's coming up. I had a thought about this or a sensation came up in the body.”
Whatever it is, you can trace it back because you're at the pivot point. It's much easier, and you can dismantle it in real time, instead of hindsight.
As you do that more, and more, and more, it gets quicker, and quicker, and easier, easier until it's a thoughtless, effortless process. It just drops.
Then, you drop it repetitively enough, that whole pattern falls away. And then, you start to be okay with uncomfortableness.
“When you become okay with uncomfortableness your healing accelerates.”
What we call normal humanity is basically just reactions to uncomfortableness.
It's trying to get super comfortable, secure and safe.
Everyday day we wake up and we forget we're a little unstable rock, spinning very fast. A blue rock spinning through space 10,000 miles an hour, or a second, I don't even know what it is- it's very fast. There are asteroids zinging by, and a Sun that's gonna burn out eventually, which is basically a nuclear reactor that can throw solar flares at anytime, and wipe out the earth.
We spend this tiny little hairbreadth of time chasing security and comfortableness and avoiding uncomfortableness instead of being here in this precious, precious existence to live, to be in joy, to share that with others, and then leave.
“The candle burns out, and if we haven’t done all our work, another candle lights up.”
Why? Because we're caught in a very small world of our immediate relationships, our body, our work goals, our family needs, our kids needs. We get caught in these very small little patterns and we forget to zoom out. It's super important to zoom out, regularly. Just go back and back and back. You can wake up and zoom out first thing in the morning, instead of waking up and the mind starts: "What have we got to do today? Oh, I've got to resolve this and that...etc."
Why don't we wake up and zoom out? Let the mind start, and go "Oh yep, no, no... let me zoom out for just another minute or two."
“Get some perspective, correct perspective, even if that perspective is small, at least it’s bigger.”
You could go "Oh my goodness, I woke up, I'm here,” because so many didn't this morning. I have all I need, my breath, my body, my heartbeat. From here I could find food, if I had to."
We have such opulence. We have so many objects, we don't even know what we have.
We have so much stuff, usually, and we get lost in all the small things.