The Spiritual Ego Trap Of The Mind
Transcript: Non-duality Self-Realisation Satsang Meeting
Yallingup - Margaret River - Western Australia
That's what happens, it happens a lot, we're not all that different.
Seeker: "…And I think around the fear rejection, and my fear of abandonment, imposter syndrome... I had massive anxiety coming here, like right now I'm just…"
I get it. I had the same when I first went to a place like this. I'm just recalling it, I was... really nervous.
Seeker: "I have a feeling like, unworthiness, like I don't have enough to offer at one of these kinds of..."
Ohh that's never true. It's always great when new people come. They always offer a new angle, a new perspective, it's really wonderful, honestly, isn't it? We often talk about it. When someone new comes they bring in a whole new angle, or a whole new freshness, or a whole new thing; or even something that people have worked on, then you forget, because you go into all the other layers, and then go, oh yeah, what about... this is a really important, foundational thing, that we can sometimes forget. So, it's fine.
Seeker: "For me, September's just been this month, now it's October, but September it was just like, everything kind of just changed at a certain point, and now... it's just bizarre, the synchronicity... like that 'sultana'.”
Starting to see you're mum in you, are you? (Laughs)
Seeker: “Oh Yeah, basically I've reached the point where I'm 25..."
You start to see the patterns in your parents come through, isn't it?
Like I said, when the exuberance of the outward expression world starts to settle, you start to see the lumps and bumps that appear a bit more.
Seeker: "It kind of took a few major things to happen for me to kind of settle me down, and make me look inwards. Because even I was just saying to my friends recently, how I recently just finished a degree in counselling, and the whole time in that degree, you know, I was like- I'm gonna help all these people around me. You know, with my partner at the time, helping him, and saving him."
“Yes, so this is the saviour character. So, we call it the Mitote, the committee.”
There's six main voices, that everyone carries in their head, that's always so similar. And we're all like a graphic equalizer? So you've got six dials in the graphic equalizer, and we're all different tunings of the same graphic equalizer.
Seeker: "There's a saviour, but to the point where, I'm a burden, like to the point of the sacrificial lamb. And like I'm going to, like… save yourself from me, I'll help you."
Yeah, the saviour's a good one too, yeah.
“You can only help people that really want to be helped, which I also discovered the hard way.”
When I first started experiencing different consciousness levels I was like yep, I'm going to go save everybody I can. I've got some tools now, I know what's going on, I can see what's going on for people, and yep, let me get out there. And yeah, you learn the hard way that it doesn't work that way, right?
And that's good that you did a counselling degree, and maybe this makes sense a little bit then, it wouldn't be too intimidating on that level, huh?
Seeker: "Well, there's like I think you know, verbally everything you're saying I'm like, 'oh, I get that, I know that, I learnt that, theory, theory… but then it's funny, the physical.”
I don't have any counselling experience, I just know myself.
“When I know myself I know you, because our inners are all the same.”
And I've been through all the suffering treadmills and roller coasters, and you know, a tremendous amount of difficulties (self-created) and patterns that I was given. So, I worked out how to get through them, and heal them, and that's where I speak from. I don't speak from theory.
Seeker: "That's what I find interesting, I've always been an external seeker. More information, more information... I've always been materialistic."
It's good that you can see that.
Seeker: "I want all the information."
Yes, it's good to get information, and then, and it's really good to see that at some point you've already got enough information.
Seeker: "Yes. And then it's sort of just masking. It's like, I've got this information, now I'll give this information, but never actually look at any of my stuff.”
Yes, well it's extremely common in psychology. Like, a lot of psychologists are wounded, and counselors, because they've gone into it to heal, but instead of actually going in and healing, they just become information vessels. But they don't actually absorb it, and actually go and do the work.
Here it's a little bit different.
“We go about the work and the information’s secondary.”
I mean, just enough information to work out what you need to do and where you need to go, and that's it. And we don't get too high on that.
We could do, but I've seen it in action where people get in rooms where there's highly, highly evolved information, and very technical and deep images, and exactly what you said, it becomes an informational thing, which is of the head and we're trying to get back into the heart.
Seeker: "That’s a realisation I had, where I was like, I'd read all these books, love it, but then I'll recommend the book to everyone else. And I'd know the theory of yoga, and meditation, and all these things, but don't actually practice any of it."
So you were a knower and not a seer, you see?
“Seeing’s different, seeing’s absorption; and that happens in silence.”
And the way I look at it, let's just forget about counselling for a moment, is that some of the greatest minds- like your Einstein’s, your Newton’s, your Tesla’s and all these super famous minds… when you look into them a bit closer, they all had, like, Einstein used to walk around the university in a beta state. I think it's beta, where it's much slower, almost like just before sleep, a very calm state. Epiphanies would come to him. And then he'd go and write it down, and incorporate it into his knowledge base of his structure of Education. And then he had the huge IQ to be able to process the information and turn it into something others could understand, you see?
So, you see this over, and over, and over. So, even the great minds informationally, the ones that are really well known, all seem to have had this thing where they would have quiet times.
And they'd wake up in dreams, wake up in the middle of the night, and start writing things down- like the great songwriters. You see it over, and over, and over. It's a common thread.
“So when we’re just clogged up with information, we actually block a much bigger mind.”
You're dealing with a localised mind and peppering that, and enhancing that. But it actually becomes a wall that blocks you out from a much bigger mind, understand?
And that's the one that's really got the juice, you see? And it takes a little while for that to open.
But you've already got to this point, where you're seeing the amount of information isn't the answer.
Keywords: Spiritual Ego Trap, Escape The Spiritual Ego, Spirituality Ego, What Is Spiritual Ego, What Is The Spiritual Ego, Spirituality, Spiritual Awakening, Spiritual Ego